Monday, June 27, 2011

36 RSS Feed Distributions To Promote Your Site

Many website owners, especially bloggers utilize RSS feeds to distribute their content. For those that use Feedburner, you’ve probably already chosen a few services to further publicize your feeds.
But there are also a number of additional directories available to further promote RSS feeds to help you increase visitor numbers. I found a list of RSS Directories supplied on DotSaucethrough a post on Money Making Scoop. The original list is a few months old and include a few urls that no longer work. So I poked around and pulled 36 of the 55 RSS Directories which are functional and easiest to submit, including an addition of my own: Blog Burst.
These RSS directories receive visitors and submissions fairly frequently. I highly recommend checking out #36, Blog Burst. Feeds are manually approved and any blog accepted should receive quality traffic through this service, as some of their clients include Reuters and USA Today.
  1. FeedFury
  2. FeedBomb
  3. Plazoo
  4. RSS Micro
  5. 2RSS
  6. FeedsFarm
  7. RSS Feeds
  8. Feeds4all
  9. Postami
  10. Feedest
  11. MySpace RSS
  12. DaytimeNews
  13. RSS Feeds Submission
  14. MillionRSS
  15. Yahoo RSS
  16. More News
  17. Find RSS
  18. Feed Base
  19. RSS Motron
  20. Octora
  21. Blog Digger
  22. Feed 24
  23. Findory
  24. Feed Boy
  25. Chordata
  26. Golden Feed
  27. Read A Blog
  28. Newgie
  29. Jordo Media RSS
  30. RSS Network
  31. Ice Rocket
  32. Blog Pulse
  33. Feeds2Read
  34. Feed Shark
  35. Feed Plex
  36. Blog Burst


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