Wednesday, June 29, 2011

10 Tips For Beginners Before Launching Their Blog

When you start your blog, you’re excited to reach out to the world and share your thoughts with everyone. There are some basic rules that you must follow in order to successfully launch your blog:
Launching Blogs
1. Focusing on a specific topic
Write the first few articles on a specific topic and maintain this for some duration. Even if you can make a few “off topic” topics from time to time but respect the fact that 80% of your blog should be devoted to your main theme. Therefore, it is essential to define its scope at the outset.
2. Write a few articles first
You should go for a launch only after you’ve a couple of articles on your blog. These articles should be of good quality (basic principles, user manual, controversy etc.). There’s nothing worse than a blog with 1 or 2 items.
3. Regularity
Publish an article every day for 2 or 3 weeks in the beginning, and then you can slow down the pace (say, 2 posts per week).
4. Work on your connections
Communicating via your website and social bookmarking sites like digg and delicious is very essential. If you chose a “classic” theme, very soon you will attract the world and you will improve your ranking quickly.
Submit RSS feeds (eg. via FeedBurner) and a newsletter.
6. Don’t Ignore the Power of Forums
Post info in the forums dedicated to your industry, start contributing in the comments of blogs (NO SPAM comments at all!)
7. Start with your Friends and Family
Send an email to your closed ones that you’ve opened your own blog. You can do this with all your contacts (personal, pro, customers, prospects …).
8. Use Printed Material
Make business cards with the address of your blog, and mention your blog in your other sites (if you’ve any).
9. Get easy links
Register your blog and RSS feeds in general or specialized directories.
10. Social Networking
Last but not the least create a profile on networking sites like LinkedIn, Technorati, FacebookTwitter etc. It may help you to receive considerable amount of visitors, and even if it does not, it definitely improves your SEO and appearance of your site.


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